B-12 Shots
Medications can deplete vital nutrients that you receive from your diet. B-12 is involved in the metabolism of every cell in the human body. It is particularly important in the normal function of the nervous system and developing red blood cells. Visit any of our locations for your B-12 shot.

Medication Review
A CMR is an interactive medication review between a patient and a pharmacist. In most cases it will take less than sixty minutes with the patient and may be completed over the phone, if permitted by your insurance plan. This should include a review of your prescription medication(s), over-the-counter (OTC) medication(s), dietary supplement(s), herbal therapies, and dietary or exercise habits when applicable. This CMR will help identify drug therapy related issues, such as adverse events/interactions.

Diabetic Shoes
Diabetic shoes sometimes referred to as extra depth or therapeutic shoes, are specially designed shoes or inserts intended to reduce the risk of skin breakdown in diabetics with co-existing foot disease.
Medicare will typically cover one (1) pair of shoes each year.
Contact: Tracy Curlew, CPhT
Phone:(865) 525-4189

Allow us to flavor medications for you, your child, or your pet! Flavorx® is free of sugar, dyes, allergens, gluten, and casein! Available at all locations.

First Alternatives IgG Gut Check
Unlike food allergies, food sensitivities can have a delayed response in the body. This test allows the patient to discover sensitivities causing inflammation and manifestation in different forms in the body. Contact our Broadway location for more details. $399

Flu & Strep Testing
Do you have flu or strep symptoms?
No need to make an appointment. Walk-in anytime for rapid flu or strep test. One of our Pharmacists will evaluate the results and if positive for flu or strep, we can get you the medications you need right away!
We want you to feel better as fast as you can. Our rapid flu and strep tests save you time and you can skip the wait at your doctor's office.
Call for pricing. Testing is available for ages 5+
*Some exclusions may apply for us to provide treatment at the pharmacy.

We offer a variety of immunization options at Belew Drugs for individuals ages 8+ NO PRESCRIPTION IS REQUIRED. Call us for more information Current immunizations offered include:
-Flu Vaccine Quadravaleant
-Flu Vaccine High Dose 65+
-Flu Vaccine (Egg-Free)
-Shingles Vaccine (2 shot series)
-Tdap Vaccine
-MMR Vaccine (Measles, Mumps, & Rubella)
-HPV Vaccine
-Hepatitis A Vaccine
-Hepatitis B Vaccine
-Pneumococcal Vaccine (PCV13)
-Pneumococcal Vaccine (PPSV23)
Contact for workplace clinics:
Jamie Price, Pharm. D.
Phone: (865) 525-4189

Kangen Water®

Medicare Part D
Each year new Medicare beneficiaries are eligible to choose a new Medicare Part D plan or existing Medicare beneficiaries can switch during open enrollment (October 15th - December 7th). If you are new to Medicare and are turning 65 this year please let us help you navigate all of the Medicare prescription drug plans and choose which is best for you. Or if you are an existing Medicare beneficiary and are unhappy with your prescription drug plan let us help decide which plan would serve you best.